Install pyqt5 windows module could not be found
Install pyqt5 windows module could not be found

I have the manifest pointing to the psm1 as a nested module (before it was listed as the root module with the same results), and the psm1 has Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * -Variable * set explicitly at the end. The module is there, PowerShell can read it, and acts like it can load it without problems, until you try to run the commands. I really don't know what I changed when I switched to the manifest style that caused this problem. I can't find anything relevant about this error message online after 90 minutes of Googling and trying various things. And attempting to run my commands still throws the original error. " I run that command for more information, but not only does it not provide more information, it doesn't throw any errors. For more information, run 'Import-Module. But if I try to run the function, I get the error: "command was found in the module but the module could not be loaded. I can tab-complete the name of a function from inside the module, and if I run Get-Module -ListAvailable I can see my module at the bottom of the list along with the exported commands appearing as expected. In either case, PowerShell starts up and loads the profile without errors.


install pyqt5 windows module could not be found

I've also tried having the profile import the module by directly pointing at the manifest file. I've made a PowerShell profile for coworkers that adds the network location to $PSModulePath. I have a PowerShell module stored in a network location that doesn't seem to load the way the documentation says it should.

Install pyqt5 windows module could not be found